Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart

Okay, so it's not thought of as YA, but I think anyone of any age would love it.  The four main characters have special gifts, but not unbelievable out-of-the-realm of reality gifts - e.g. Sticky has a photographic memory: Kate who is exceptionally fast and carries a bucket filled with a variety of things that help them on their quest. Their mentor Mr. Benedict has been captured by the evil Mr. Curtain.  Without parental permission, they sneak away.  Originally they were to follow clues that Mr. Benedict left for them.  This would lead them to a wonderful mysterious location where they would have a holiday with him.  They decide to follow the clues, thinking they will lead to his last location. They have a small problem, these bad guys - the ten men -are after them.  In a Dr. Who-ish way, they have devices of torture that they use to stun, incapacitate, kill, etc. They dress like business men with brief cases, but they have hidden things of destruction, e.g. large silver watches under their shirt cuffs.  They have electric wires which come out and deliver severe shocks.  How will they escape from the Salamander, a huge tank, driven by smartest of the ten men, McCracken? And more more more

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